How the e-cigarette helps to get away from regular cigarettes

Vapes and e-cigarettes have become very popular, especially over the last few years. These run on rechargeable batteries and differ from classic cigarettes in many ways. A basic distinction can be made between disposable e-cigarettes and rechargeable e-cigarettes.

Above all, both are the same in one thing: so-called liquid is smoked. This liquid is usually enriched with a flavor and a desired amount of nicotine. The disposable versions are available in different strengths. For the rechargeable models, you can vary the composition of the liquid. Depending on how much nicotine you want added, you can decide for yourself.

In addition to the exciting varieties, there is another reason why many people use e-cigarettes. It is used as an alternative to stop smoking traditional cigarettes.

But is it even a good alternative? Are the health damages less? The answer is a resounding yes. Studies have shown that vaping causes fewer diseases than traditional smoking. In addition, scratching your throat and, above all, the smell of normal cigarettes are no longer necessary. The practical thing about switching to e-cigarettes is the variable nicotine dosage. If you want to reduce your consumption, you can start with a certain nicotine content and gradually reduce it over time. Another very noteworthy advantage of e-cigarettes compared to conventional ones is the reduction in the risk of fire. The electronic cigarette cannot cause any damage in this respect.

If you smoke e-cigarettes and, above all, like to use the disposable version, please ensure that you dispose of them correctly. These do not belong in the household waste. Instead, there are collection points where they can be handed in.

Switching to e-cigarettes is therefore worthwhile for many different reasons. In our shop you will find different flavors with different nicotine levels. Feel free to experiment until you find the right one for you.