The possible uses of CBD

One of our most popular and sought after products is the CBD products. Written out, it means cannabidiol and is a component of hemp. Unlike the ingredient THC, which means tetrahydrocannabinol, CBD has no psychoactive effects. This means that it is non-intoxicating and freely available.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also classified CBD as safe because it does not lead to addiction. There are no states of intoxication, which is why you are functional and able to drive even after consumption by smoking, drops or similar.

CBD has gained in importance in recent years, especially from a medical point of view. Since it has a relaxing effect, it is used to reduce stress and nervousness. It can also help with insomnia. But there are many more positive properties to be attributed to CBD: it has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain and is used in connection with many diseases. Although there are no long-term studies to date, the many positive effects have already been proven.

CBD is especially helpful if you want to get off cigarettes. This gives you a relaxing alternative that is also far less harmful and still satisfies your smoking cravings.

CBD is still too often demonized and confused, although it has been proven to help against a wide variety of ailments. So it's less of a drug and more of a medicine and an effective tool for those who prefer plants to pills.

Here to our CBD products